60 Inspiring Gratitude Journal Prompts to Deepen Your Practice!

Do you find it difficult to be happy with your life?

Then start practicing daily gratitude which is a powerful tool to increase your happiness potion in life.

Research has shown that being happy and having a grateful heart are directly related to each other.

Being grateful for everything you have been blessed with, even if you are currently going through a rough time simply makes you happy and content.

With daily gratitude practice, you will start to see all those small things with appreciation, that normally go unnoticed.

Especially when life throws you into challenging circumstances, and it becomes so hard to grasp anything good around you!

That is why I share below 80 powerful gratitude lists in the form of journal prompts for practicing daily gratitude! These are easy to follow gratitude journal prompts ideas list that will help you to make you uncover how grateful you are in daily life.

Prompts are questions you ask to yourself in your journal book or planner about those things, people, or experiences in your life making you grateful and appreciative.

The answers to those questions or prompts make it easy to discover your true self by finding out which are those positives in your life that you are thankful for.

Daily journaling ideas through answering gratitude prompts will help you to reach your happiness goal in life.

But you must be thinking about how to include this gratitude journaling in daily life!

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These simple ways will be perfect to guide you begin journal practice:

1. Your morning routine can be an ideal start to your day to practice gratitude with journal prompt ideas. Morning is a time when you wake up with a fresh new brain which is great to seek your grateful heart in relation to everything going on in your life.

Journaling with gratitude list ideas helps you to become calm and stress free improving your mental well-being throughout the day.

2. Use reminders on your phone or written anywhere in front of your close sight. This will help you not to forget to sit with journal prompts.

3. Place your journal book close by to keep that habit of gratitude journaling without having it missed!

4. Give yourself time and remain patient while making gratitude journal practice a part of your life. If you do not feel like journaling one day avoid being guilty or failing.

Keep doing what you have started with a positive mindset and never quit citing any excuses.

5. Every day sit with 1 or 2 journal prompts and give yourself time to think about what makes you feel grateful for. Be specific about the things or people you express gratitude.

Instead of ” I am grateful for today’s weather” which sounds very generic, you may write, ” I am grateful for the sunshine that puts a smile on my face”!

This way you are shifting your positive gratitude ideas into more specific and something that you tend to overlook in daily life.

Your happiness and positivity amplify when you start to see more goodness around you.

To imbibe more positivity and discover yourself you may want to read related posts about:

80 Positive self love affirmations to transform your life

70 Powerful Journal prompts for self discovery & growth

Now given below is the list of journal prompts for daily gratitude practice for your thought provoking inspiration!

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Journal prompts for daily gratitude practice

1. What are the 5 things in your life you are grateful for right this moment?

2. What are you grateful for when you wake up in the morning?

3. How do you feel when you see outside your window?

4. How grateful you are when you have breakfast in the morning?

5. Who is that person in your life who makes you feel special and cared for?

6. Who are those people in your life who made a major contribution in shaping you?

7. Which are the days you look forward to?

8. What are the 3 things in your life that set your heart on fire?

9. Has any past event in your life made an impact on the person you are today?

10. What are the three things you are grateful for from this year?

11. What are the 3 things in your life that are currently going great?

12. What are those things in your home you are most grateful for?

13. Who is that person who has played a major role in your personal development?

14. Name four things that make you at peace.

15. What are the three things you are grateful for in your heart?

16. What are the things you love your family for?

17. Mention those two people who always believed in you.

18. Who are those teachers in your life who guided you to be the person you are today?

19. What are some things you love about your friends?

20. For what are you grateful to your friends in life? How they have played any positive role in your life?

21. What is that thing in your home that makes you feel relaxed and happy?

22. If you have any how does your beloved pet, make you feel grateful for?

23. What are those things you appreciate in your life?

24. Are there any toxic habits you have? How have been able to come out of that?

25. What are those five things you are grateful for about your relationship with your parents?

Keep track of your daily gratitude in this cute flower-style Gratitude Journal Planner Printable

Download this easy to use Gratitude journal planner printable you can write your daily gratitude as reminders without missing out.

26. what are those three things in life you are proud of?

27. What are those three small things you are grateful for that make your life easy and simple?

28. Who or what plays a major role in brightening your day?

30. What are the ten things in life you are fortunate for?

31. How and what are those things that cheer you up when having a bad mood day?

32. What are the three things that make you motivated to go on?

33. Who are the three people who make you motivated to stay on your goal?

34. Whose advice are you grateful for to boost your personal growth?

35. What are those tough life circumstances that made you strong?

36. How did your past experiences good or bad help to make you the person you are today?

37. Who are those toxic people you are grateful for having left your life for the better?

38. What are the five bad habits you are proud to quit?

39. How being grateful changed the person you used to be?

40. Who is that person who complimented you? How did that make you feel?

41. Who is that person whom you made a compliment recently? How did that make you feel?

42. Name a person in your life who makes kind gestures to you without caring for a favor.

43. What are the three best things happened to you last month?

44. What are the five positive things that took place in your life last year?

Create your daily routine for counting your blessings in this cute gratitude list planner to be happy and live your best life. Download this Free printable PDF to start today

45. What are you grateful for that happened last year?

46. What do you feel best about nature?

47. How can you be kind to yourself?

48. How is your relationship with yourself?

49. How do you show yourself love and respect?

50. Name a place you traveled to recently that made you feel happy.

51. What are the three things that make you happy while traveling?

52. How grateful you are for your courage? Do you think any area where you need to be brave? How do you think you can make that possible?

53. What is the most important thing you love about your work?

54. How grateful you are for earning your living? What role financial independence has played in your self-development?

55. What are the five things that make you thankful to the Universe?

56. What are the five technologies or gadgets you have in life that make your life easy?

57. Which is the favorite food that makes your mouth water and you hungry?

58. What is that one thing in your life you cannot go without?

59. What are the three things that you love about your place?

60. What are the three things that you love about your country?

61. How grateful do you feel when you are among flowers and nature?

62. What is your favorite season that makes your heart feel giddy? What makes that season beautiful in your eyes?

63. Which is the most favorite color to you?

64. Which are those smells you feel happy about?

65. Which of the three books you have read made a huge impact on you?

66. Name an incident that recently made you smile.

67. When was the last time you cried that made you free of pent-up feelings? How did that experience make you feel?

68. What are the three memorable sights you see outside that make you grateful?

69. What do you love about your culture?

70. What are the values you have that make you grateful for? How do these values shape your present?

71. How have you helped someone when in pain or discomfort?

72. How do you show gratitude to your partner?

73. What is the toughest task you have done for yourself? How did that make you feel? Who or what helped you to achieve that target?

74. What are the aspects of you that make you feel beautiful?

75. Mention two important events in your life that make you the person you are today. Why these events are better for you?

76. How do your gratitude practices help you?

77. How grateful are you for your health?

78. How grateful do you feel when you can afford to buy daily goods to carry on your life?

79. When was the last time you cooked yourself or your family a lovely meal that made you utterly satisfied?

80. What is your favorite hobby that has benefited you in building your life?

Cultivating the attitude of gratitude takes time and patience.

With these gratitude journal prompts you will slowly begin to reflect on the different areas of your life which you are grateful for but missed to say thanks.

This 80-powerful gratitude list in the form of a journal prompts you to take a close look at your life. Writing these journal ideas helps you take care of a specific thing with new inspiration that you normally overlook.

As you keep at this journaling gratitude list soon your visual horizon broadens up on life for the better.

You may have your own form of gratitude journal ideas to practice as this prompt list is not exclusive. Just enjoy and reflect on these journaling ideas.

What are your favorite gratitude practices that you follow for a positive and inspired mindset? Comment below to let us know!

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