35 December Journal Prompts to Wrap Up the Year with Gratitude!

December Is Here!

And with it comes the feeling of a fresh chapter. The year is winding down, and this is the perfect time to pause and reflect on everything that’s happened over the past 12 months.

There’s something about December that makes us all a little more introspective—maybe it’s the festive lights, cozy nights, or the anticipation of a new beginning just around the corner.

If you’re looking to close out the year with a deeper sense of gratitude and reflection, journaling is one of the best ways to do that.

It helps organize your thoughts, lets you savor moments you may have overlooked, and prepares your mind for the opportunities the new year will bring.

To make the most of this reflective season, I’ve gathered 35 December journal prompts that will guide you through wrapping up your year with gratitude and mindfulness.

These prompts are perfect for anyone wanting to dive deep into their personal growth, celebrate milestones, or simply enjoy some quiet, thoughtful moments before the year comes to an end.

Ready to dive in? Let’s wrap up the year together with a little reflection and a lot of gratitude!

35 December Journal Prompts to Wrap Up the Year with Gratitude!

1. What are you most grateful for this year?

Take a moment to reflect on the people, experiences, and moments that brought joy and gratitude into your life.

2. What challenges did you overcome this year?

Look back on the difficulties you faced and how you navigated through them. What did you learn from these experiences?

3. How did you grow emotionally, mentally, or spiritually this year?

Think about the ways you’ve developed as a person over the course of the year.

4. What is one of your happiest memories from this year?

Revisit a moment that made your heart soar and brought a big smile to your face.

5. Who were the people who supported you the most this year?

Express gratitude for the friends, family, or mentors who stood by your side through thick and thin.

6. What did you accomplish that you’re proud of?

Celebrate your achievements, big or small. Give yourself credit for the hard work you put in.

7. What habits did you build or break this year?

Reflect on the healthy habits you adopted or the bad ones you managed to kick.

8. What was the best book, podcast, or movie you enjoyed this year?

Think about the media that inspired or entertained you the most.

9. How did you take care of yourself this year?

Self-care is essential. Write about the ways you nurtured your body, mind, and soul.

10. What’s one thing you wish you did differently this year?

Without being too hard on yourself, acknowledge an area where you could’ve made different choices.

11. What was the most unexpected lesson you learned?

Sometimes life teaches us lessons when we least expect it. What was your surprise takeaway from the year?

12. What moment this year made you feel the most alive?

Recall a time when you felt fully present, energized, and alive.

13. What was the best decision you made this year?

Celebrate a choice you made that had a positive impact on your life.

14. How did you express kindness or generosity this year?

Reflect on moments where you gave back, helped others, or spread kindness.

15. What are you most looking forward to in the new year?

Shift your focus to the future. What are you excited about as you step into the new year?

16. What was your favorite tradition or celebration this year?

Whether it’s a holiday tradition or a simple gathering, what memory stands out?

17. What is one thing you learned about yourself this year?

Think about what you discovered about your personality, values, or strengths.

18. How did you push yourself out of your comfort zone this year?

Challenge often leads to growth. How did you stretch yourself beyond your usual limits?

19. What is one thing you will leave behind as you move into the new year?

Letting go can be liberating. Write about what no longer serves you and needs to be released.

20. What small moments of joy or peace did you experience this year?

Not every day is monumental, but the small moments of happiness matter too.

21. What was your biggest lesson in relationships this year?

Whether it’s friendships, family, or romantic relationships, what did you learn about connection this year?

22. What did you achieve that you weren’t sure you could?

Reflect on moments of doubt and how you overcame them to achieve something meaningful.

23. What is one way you practiced gratitude regularly this year?

Think about how you made gratitude a habit, whether through journaling, mindfulness, or other practices.

24. How did you make a positive impact on someone’s life this year?

It feels good to help others. Reflect on a time when you made a difference in someone else’s life.

25. What is your favorite memory from this December?

As the month wraps up, write about a recent moment that brought you joy.

26. What was the most fun thing you did this year?

Fun and play are important! What experience brought out your playful side?

27. What was the most peaceful moment you experienced this year?

Remember a time when you felt calm, centered, and at peace.

28. How did you show yourself love this year?

Write about the ways you practiced self-compassion and treated yourself with care.

29. What are three things you’re grateful for right now?

Take a moment to practice gratitude for what’s present in your life at this very moment.

30. What is something new you learned this year?

Whether it’s a skill, fact, or life lesson, what new knowledge did you gain?

31. How did you prioritize your well-being this year?

Think about how you balanced work, school, or responsibilities with taking care of yourself.

32. What was the most beautiful place you visited this year?

Write about a place that took your breath away, even if it was just a small, peaceful spot.

33. What did you let go of this year?

Letting go is a powerful act. Reflect on something you released—be it a fear, a habit, or a belief.

34. What were your favorite moments of creativity this year?

Celebrate your creative pursuits and moments when you felt inspired.

35. What does gratitude mean to you as the year ends?

To wrap up, reflect on how gratitude has shaped your perspective and how it will continue to guide you into the new year.

This Post Is All About 35 December Journal Prompts to Wrap Up the Year with Gratitude!

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