Who doesn’t want to find lazy ways to make money? We all do!

But it’s hard to find a job that fits a lazy lifestyle.

Ok, so, I never considered myself totally lazy, but I longed for a slow-paced, stress-free lifestyle. This desire led me to seek out slow-paced jobs with good pay. You might be like me, using terms like “lazy jobs” and “slow-paced jobs” interchangeably.

Your aim is to find the perfect lazy girl jobs (or guy job if you’re a dude)—flexible, non-technical remote positions that let you work from the comfort of your home. And not to mention, while enjoying a salary range of $50,000 to $80,000 without the burden of excessive efforts or daunting performance goals.

You don’t aspire to spend all day working, but equally, you don’t wish to while away the hours watching Netflix at home without making any money.

Imagine never having to wake up early again or slave away at a job you don’t care about. That’s why the ideal jobs for lazy people are ones where you can work from home and set your own hours.

I’m going to share the best jobs for lazy people to help you find something that’s perfect for you!

You can expect to earn anywhere from $100 a day to as high as $300 per day (possibly more), depending on the job you choose, your natural talents, and the effort you’re willing to put in to accommodate your “laziness”!

Of course, on those days when I’m not feeling 100% like a lazy girl (hm… maybe still 40% lazy), I could be earning as much as $500 or even making $1,000 a day!


Pin this image on Pinterest here so you can refer back to this post to find the best jobs for lazy people like you!

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you that making more money is impossible. It’s not when you are determined! You can make $200 a day if you really want to.

It seems obvious, but the first step to making money is finding something you’re passionate about. If you don’t care about what you’re doing, you’re not going to stick it through to see the fruits of your labor.

Find something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!

Warren Buffett urged college students to find jobs where they would select if they had no need for money.

Personally, I’m passionate about personal finance, helping people earn extra money, and blogging. These are all topics I can write about for hours and hours and not get bored.

I was considered lazy at my previous banking job because I didn’t have the “drive” to climb the corporate ladder. To my previous colleagues, “lazy” meant not working 50-60 hour weeks, turning down social invitations to go home and get some rest, and valuing work-life balance. In their eyes, I was unambitious and would never amount to anything because I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my personal life for my career.

But just because I wasn’t working myself to the bone doesn’t mean I was lazy. I was just realistic about my capabilities and knew that burning the candle at both ends wasn’t sustainable for me.

My previous manager would ask me why I wasn’t keen on working overtime or taking on extra assignments to get promoted in the company. I simply replied that I wanted a job that allowed me to have a good work-life balance.

That was half true. The other half was that I didn’t like the job.

It wasn’t my passion.

I didn’t care about the company’s bottom line or making my manager look good. All I wanted was to do my 8 hours a day and go home to find something more interesting to do with my time.

So, if you’re currently in a job that doesn’t inspire you, don’t be afraid to look for something else. It’s not worth sacrificing your happiness for a paycheck.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the best jobs for lazy people!


Pin this image on Pinterest here so you can refer back to this post to find out how I used Pinterest to earn over six figures a year online!

People use Pinterest for all sorts of things like recipes, travel, fashion, and home décor.

As a regular Pinterest user, I used it to get ideas and inspiration for my home décor, recipes, and furniture-flipping side hustle. But I had no idea that people were actually making money from Pinterest until I started blogging.

I learned that bloggers monetized Pinterest by creating Pins that led users to blog posts or product sale pages. When you land a blog post from a Pin, you’ll find all sorts of helpful information, tips, tutorials, and resources related to the topic. Most of the time, you’ll also find ads, product promotions, sponsored content, and/or affiliate links.

When a Pinterest user clicks on one of your Pins and goes to your website, they have the potential to purchase your product or click on an affiliate link or ad, which will earn you money.

Here are some ways to earn money on Pinterest.

If you’re creative and have an eye for design, you can make money by creating Pins for other bloggers. For experienced Pinners, this can be a great way to make some extra cash on the side.

Alternatively, you can become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant, work as a Pinterest Manager, or even start your own website or blog and drive traffic to it through Pinterest (that’s what I do!).


Sadly, my blog didn’t get any traffic in the beginning so I had to look for ways to drive traffic to my site. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to make any money from my blog, and my dream of quitting my job would die.

I remembered reading that Pinterest was a great way to drive traffic to your website, so I decided to give it a try.

I invested A LOT of time and effort to learn everything I could about making money with Pinterest, as I detailed in this original post I wrote here. Every week, I tested different Pins, boards, and strategies to see what worked and what didn’t.

You’ll see how much I struggled at the beginning when I was barely making any money. I documented my blog’s journey from $0 to over $25,000 per month in my raw and honest blog income reports. Slowly, but surely, my hard work started to pay off and I was able to drive thousands of pageviews to my blog from Pinterest. And as my traffic grew, so did my income!

If you’re lazy like me, you can plan your Pins ahead of time using a Pin scheduler like Tailwind. Once you have a batch of high-quality Pins, you can schedule them to be posted throughout the day and week.

Of course, you’ll need to learn how to get traffic with Pinterest and create catchy Pins to earn a full-time income from Pinterest, but the upfront work is not too bad. And if you’re good at the Pin creation process, it’s even easier!


When I was stuck at my corporate job, I tried many different side hustles to earn extra money with the hope of quitting my day job and working on my own terms.

I took paid surveys in my free time, flipped furniture after work, and eventually started a blog. I would spend my evenings and weekends working on my blog. I was so passionate about it that I didn’t even consider it “work.”

Out of all the side hustles I tried from home, blogging was my favorite because it allowed me to be creative and share my experience with people all over the world.

I had no idea it would take off the way it did, but I’m so glad I started my blog on a whim. Today I’m a full-time blogger earning more money than I ever did at my bank job.

I love what I do and I couldn’t be happier!

I set my own hours, I work from home in my pajamas if I want to, and I don’t have to answer to anyone but myself. It’s the perfect job for me and my “lazy” lifestyle.

It didn’t feel like work because I was writing about things I enjoyed talking to people about.

If you’re not sure what to write about, think about a hobby or interest you have that other people might find helpful or interesting.

What is something you can’t shut up about? That’s a good place to start!

It could be anything from parenting tips to plant-based recipes to travel hacks.

Here are more topic ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Fashion Tips
  • Cooking and Recipes
  • DIY Projects
  • Beauty and Makeup Tutorials
  • Pets
  • Parenting Tips
  • Workout and Fitness
  • Budgeting Hacks
  • Minimalist Living
  • Sustainable Living
  • Relationships
  • Home Organization

Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a great writer – I’m certainly not! – to start a blog.

I use Grammarly to help me with spelling and grammar errors (without it, this post would be in the trash can!).

The most important part about blogging is to choose a topic you’re passionate about so you can share your knowledge and experiences with others.

If you’re not sure where to start, you can check out my FREE 7-Day e-mail course to learn how to start a profitable blog. I will walk you through the entire process from start to finish and share helpful tips and resources to get your blog up and running in no time.


Don’t break a sweat if you can break down your thoughts and turn them into cash. Yes, you can earn money with your opinions by taking online surveys.

The internet is full of websites that are looking for individuals who are willing to share their thoughts so that companies can better understand consumer preferences. Your opinions will help improve these companies’ products and services. In return, these websites will reward you in the form of points that you can redeem for real money.

My favorite survey site, the one I always talk about, is Swagbucks. I’ve been using the platform for over a decade and I have to say that in all those years, they have proven again and again why they’re the best survey site. With a 4.2 rating on TrustPilot, it’s clear that Swagbucks is legitimate. They have already paid out over $600 million in PayPal cash and gift cards to their members.

It’s very simple to use survey sites to earn money the “lazy way”. You just have to sign up and answer questions that are tailored to your demographic and interests. For every survey you complete, you’ll earn points that you can later redeem for cash (or, in most cases, gift cards).

Plus, if you happen to have a specialized professional skill, like being an engineer or marketer, then you’re in for a treat. Surveys that match your skill are likely to pay you more for your expert opinion.

Answering surveys will pass as one of the best easy jobs for lazy introverts, but you have to keep in mind that it’s not going to replace a full-time income. It’s only a great way to make use of your spare time to earn extra money.


When you first read the word, “delivery,” you might be thinking how the heck does this qualify as a “lazy job?”

Well, just hear me out first.

Using online delivery apps like Uber Eats or DoorDash is perfect for laid-back people like you. After all, nothing really beats the type of job where you can work alone whenever and wherever you want.

When I say wherever in the context of an online delivery app, I mean you can choose the location and vicinity where you want to deliver food. It could be near your neighborhood which is perfect for times when you just need some extra cash but don’t feel like traveling far, or you can choose a region you love hanging out in. It’s freedom because you choose the time and your location of work.

Personally, I’ve done DoorDash and it’s pretty laid-back if you’re doing it as a side hustle and not a full-time job.

Whenever I have nothing better to do after my dinner time around 6 pm, I just open up my DoorDash app and make a run of deliveries to earn extra money while I’m out. Instead of wasting my time binge-watching Netflix, which honestly gives me a headache, I can feel better about myself by going out there and earning at least $100 a day.

There are no strict schedules and you can literally work whenever you want—early morning, late morning, afternoon, evening, and even late at nights for those who eat late-night dinners.

For a lazy job, I’d say it’s pretty good! You can see in my screenshot below how much I earned in the span of 11 days.

Yes, that’s over $1,000 in less than two weeks of delivering food. So why wait? There’s a whole app just waiting for you to earn money the lazy way.

You might want to read these other articles below regarding my own personal experience using the DoorDash delivery app:

  • How Much Money I Made in One Day of Using DoorDash
  • Is DoorDash Worth Your Time?
  • How To Make $500 a Week Using The DoorDash App


This is a “lazy” way (not easy!) to make money because it’s mostly passive income.

How affiliate marketing works is you promote a product or service on your blog, YouTube videos, or social media channels and earn a commission when someone buys through your affiliate link.

In case you think the buyer has to pay extra for the product because you’re getting a commission, that’s not how it works.

The company you’re an affiliate for will pay you a commission out of their profits. So, you’re essentially getting paid to advertise for them which is a win-win for both parties.

It’s a great way to monetize your YouTube channel or blog if you don’t want to bother with creating and selling your own products.

For example, if you have a blog about fashion, you can become an affiliate for fashion retailers like Nordstrom, Target, or Macy’s. Every time you promote a product on your blog, like your favorite summer shirt, and a reader clicks on your affiliate link to make a purchase from those retailers, you earn a commission.

Or, if you have a YouTube channel about makeup, you can become an affiliate for Sephora or Ulta. You can earn a commission on your favorite makeup products by creating videos about them and including your affiliate link in the description box.

You can get paid very well as an affiliate marketer (I earn a full-time income with affiliate marketing), but you have to put the effort into learning it. You can’t simply spam your affiliate links everywhere online and expect to make money.

The key is to find products and services you’re passionate about so you can give your readers valuable recommendations and gain their trust. No one is going to use your link to buy something if you don’t know what you’re talking about!


From Flipping 101 to Property Brothers, viewers love to binge-watch house flipping. Professional flippers would buy up a beaten down or a fixer-upper cheap, put some money into fixing it up, and then sell it at a profit. Huge profits!

However, flipping houses require money upfront and you need to invest a lot of time to get the house into shape before you can list it back on the market. Every day that the house doesn’t sell eats into your profits in holding costs.

This is not a side hustle for the faint of heart!

With that said, there are other things you can flip for cash without having to risk thousands of dollars and months of your time.

Here are some ideas on what you can flip:

Clothes – focus on lightly worn designer clothes, jeans in current styles, and name-brand children’s clothes.
Furniture – look for pieces that just need a little TLC or an easy update with paint.
Toys – focus on popular character toys, baby/toddler items, and outgrown sports equipment.
Electronics – go for items that are a few years old but still in excellent condition. Tablets, laptops, and gaming systems are all popular items.
Collectibles – hunt for items that are in excellent condition and popular with collectors.
Websites – look for low-traffic websites with potential in niches that interest you.

As long as there’s a demand for an item, and you can buy it for cheap, you can flip it for a profit.

Flea markets, garage sales, antique shops, and even online marketplaces are a goldmine for flippers to score items to flip.

Use online marketplaces like Poshmark, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace to sell your items. The RealReal is one of the best apps to buy and sell designer clothes online.

Keep in mind, that you will have to put in some effort to take quality photos, write good descriptions, and price your items competitively. The last thing you want to do is undervalue your items and leave money on the table.


We’re not talking about becoming a journalist or novelist, which requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and time.

Instead, we’re talking about becoming a freelance writer where you get paid to write blog posts, product descriptions, and even social media posts for businesses and organizations. You don’t need a degree in English or years of writing experience for these types of work-from-home jobs.

What you’ll need are strong grammar skills, the ability to research topics thoroughly, and write engaging content. While freelance writing gives you the flexibility to work from home and you can work when you want, you must be able to meet deadlines and write quality content that meets the client’s needs.

Freelance writing is one of the top jobs for introverts because there’s little interaction with clients as most of the work is done through email or an online content platform like Contently.

The pay for freelance writers is quite good. Beginner writers can expect to make $0.10-$0.15 per word, or $100 to $150 for a 1,000-2,000 word article. You could earn a few hundred dollars for a blog post or social media campaign, or you could make thousands of dollars if you’re hired to write an eBook or whitepaper.

Seasoned writers can charge upwards of $0.50 per word or $500-$1,000 for the same article. It’s just a matter of building up your writing portfolio and finding clients who are willing to pay you what you’re worth.

Publishing companies, businesses, and even bloggers are always looking for quality freelance writers to create content for their audience.

One of the easiest ways to get started is by signing up with a content mill like Constant Content. You can browse through available writing assignments and choose the ones that fit your skills and interests.

Or you can reach out to bloggers directly and ask about writing guest posts for their blogs. Not only will you get paid for writing, but you’ll also get valuable exposure and traffic back to your own blog or website.


You might be too lazy to go to the gym, but you can certainly make sure you walk your dog around the block a few times every day. If you love animals, this is a great side hustle to earn extra cash.

Although all dog owners want their furry friend to get their daily exercise, not all of them have the time due to work or other commitments. You, on the other hand, have all the time in the world (or at least enough time to walk a few dogs each day).

You can offer your dog walking services to dog owners in your neighborhood. Next time you see someone out walking their dog, simply ask if they need help walking their dog in the future and let them know you’re available if they need someone.

Another option is to create an account with dog walking apps like Rover and Wag! where dog owners in your area can find and book your services. What’s great about Rover is that you don’t need to find clients, they come to you.

For a new dog walker, you can set your rates lower, $20 per session, to attract new clients. Once you’ve built up a base of regular clients, you can start raising your rates to $30-$40 per session or more. As you can see, you don’t have to leave your area to find lazy jobs that pay well.

If you live in a highly populated area, you’ll have a steady stream of clients and can easily make a few hundred dollars per week dog walking. To earn more money, you can even offer pet-sitting services where you watch people’s pets while they’re out of town.

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