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If you’re new here, you might be curious about how I make money online from home, what my blog income reports are about, and why I share them.

When I first came across blog posts like these in 2018, I was doubtful. Making money online seemed too good to be true. But I kept an open mind and gave it a shot, and I’m so glad I did!

My blog income reports show my real journey and progress as a brand new blogger who started with no experience and failed seven times. When you read my blog, you’ll see I’m not making this up. I’m an emotional and sensitive person, so I write honestly about how I felt and what I did as a beginner.

I started with zero income, but within a few years, I made my first $100 from blogging. After three years, I hit my first $100, and now, I hope to reach $1,000 by the end of 2024. Wish me luck!

All the income I’ve made so far comes from using Pinterest. You can learn how I use Pinterest to earn a full-time income here. Just like you, I started with no experience or knowledge about this.

In my second year, I was able to earn over $185 from this small, personal blog, which really surprised me and made me proud!

I prove my income with screenshots in my blog income reports. But to give you a quick look, here are some screenshots of the money I’ve made from home with this blog!

$186.51 just from displaying very little ads on my blog:

Almost 1+ Year of HARD WORK.

Other than these examples, there are many other sources that generate an income for the blog you’re reading now.

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My Blogging Journey from Feeling Stuck in a Job to Building A Small Business

If you’re feeling trapped in a job you dislike or unsure about what you want in life, you’re not alone. I’ve been there too.

I was miserable and dreaded going to work every day while juggling my studies as a full-time student in Canada. I avoided social interactions as much as possible.

Being extremely introverted, I had to force myself to act outgoing at work just to blend in. I was always worried about losing my job during company changes because I didn’t fit the mold.

I disliked my job so much that I started saving every penny and exploring ways to make a full-time income online.

Working for another company wasn’t the answer. I wanted the freedom to work on my own terms without office politics and drama.

Just like you, I was searching for ways to earn extra money to increase my savings and eventually quit my job.

My goal is to achieve this by the end of 2024. I still remember desperately trying to make at least $35 a month to cover my tenant insurance. It sounds funny now, but it was a big deal then!

Whether you’re a student, a stay-at-home parent, looking to leave a job you hate, or just want to make extra money to pay off debt and save more, I want to help you reach your financial goals.

When I started this blog, I was lost and didn’t have a clear goal. I just wanted to see if I could make an extra $100 to $200 a month. To me, $200 a month felt like a huge achievement.

That’s why I began this blog income report series. It’s a way to track my blogging journey and show you that earning a full-time income from home is possible.

I enjoy testing different strategies and sharing what works and what doesn’t.

I’m proud of my blogging progress and excited to help beginners like you!


This is my blog income report up to June. I haven’t blogged about blogging before, but I think sharing this report can help beginners and those thinking about starting a blog. It also lets me see what’s working and what needs improvement.

You might wonder why I’m sharing this personal information. I hesitated at first, worrying it might seem like bragging or lying. But my goal is to help others who want to earn extra money besides their full-time jobs.

I’m not making a lot compared to some bloggers who earn over $1,000 a month, but I believe everyone can learn from each other, no matter how much they make.

Over the past month, I’ve been reading other bloggers’ income reports. They taught me how to monetize my blog better. I’m not making thousands, but I’m learning a lot. Each blogger’s income report is different. Some with fewer page views earn more, and some with more page views earn less.

Before I started blogging, I was skeptical about making money online. But after seeing other bloggers’ income reports, I realized it’s possible for beginners with no experience to make money blogging!


Till June, I earned $192.10. – Please note that this is in Canadian dollars.

Display advertising from EZOIC – $192.10



I’ve shared before that I didn’t make any money from my blog for the first three years. I started this blog in 2022 on a whim, with no idea what I was doing.

Making money wasn’t my top priority then. I was focused on learning proper Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and invested over $650 in India to get better at it.

June 2024 has been my highest earning month so far. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’m committed to this journey despite the ups and downs in income and traffic.

I’m in this for the long haul and prepared for any sudden drops in traffic and earnings.

Here’s my story.

In my first two months of blogging, I was earning almost nothing. I still remember the huge smile on my face when I made get approved by Ezoic and made my first $0.21 from Ezoic in January.

I thought, “Finally! All the work is paying off!


After many months of blogging, I saw almost no results. I kept wondering how other bloggers were able to earn over $1,000-$5,000 per month in their first, second, and third month of blogging! 

At the beginning of my blogging journey, I was trying SO hard to increase my traffic using SEO tactics but with the blessing of Google, I was not able to scale and get some traffic.

Well there are few mistakes which I did. I hope someone was there to help me take right decisions. But you don’t need to worry.

I am here to guide you with every possible scenario and will soon publish an article about my tops mistakes.

Now after all this I got to know about Pinterest through twitter and signed up for Pinterest in September, 2023 in hopes to make an income from my blog one day.

I followed exactly EVERYTHING I learned from all these paid Pinterest courses and resources I found online:

  • Create boards that are focused on keywords and closely related to your niche.
  • Join high-quality group boards to get your content in front of their followers.
  • Make eye-catching pins that grab attention.
  • Add a sweet description to your pins, including relevant keywords.
  • Avoid stuffing your pin descriptions with too many keywords, as this can look spammy.
  • Make at least three different pin images on Canva for each of your blog posts.
  • Do A/B testing with your pins.
  • Pin actively on Pinterest!

I’ve done everything they taught in those courses! So why am I still not getting traffic? Why isn’t anyone pinning my pins? Is my content just garbage? Does nobody like me? 😞

Back then, I couldn’t grasp how people were even achieving 1,500 per day page views after 4-5 month!

Pinterest Traffic Work
This is my 6 month of HARD WORK with NO SUCCESS!


Google Analytcis


Google Analytics

I think it’s important to take things slowly and learn at a comfortable pace. But it’s also really important to learn from teachers who really know their stuff!


Starting a blog might seem straightforward, but many of us make significant mistakes in the early days. One mistake I made, and you might have too, is spending too much time perfecting the setup of your blog.

The trap of professionalism, perfectionism, and obsession can be harmful—nobody cares about your blog’s visual perfection!

So, here’s my advice: don’t obsess over grammar and perfection. These can be your biggest obstacles.

I’ve also noticed many bloggers, including myself in the past, rush to monetize their blogs to start earning money—maybe enough for a Double-Double at Tim Hortons! 🤭

This rush led me to waste money on four blogs because I focused on monetization without publishing quality content.

If you’re a new blogger, start by publishing from day one. You can always update and refine later. Don’t waste time designing or obsessing over a logo.

Just go for it!


Also Read: 7 Ways To Make Money From Affiliate Marketing!


If you’re new to Pinterest or have experimented with various strategies without success, consider investing in a Pinterest ebook or course, like the one I discovered.

As mentioned earlier, I tried almost every strategy recommended by different Pinterest course instructors, but initially, I didn’t see the desired results.

Despite setbacks, I persisted in learning and refining my Pinterest approach, even during periods when my traffic stagnated or dipped, sometimes dropping below 200 visits per day.

Overall, I’ve found Pinterest to be incredibly rewarding. It’s more than just a social platform; it serves as a powerful visual search engine where users can discover and engage with your content.

If you’re new to Pinterest or facing challenges in boosting traffic, I highly recommend investing time to master its effective use.


I have been concentrating solely on Pinterest to drive my traffic, especially after facing frequent updates from Google that affected my content.

To be frank, I’m thrilled with the results of focusing all my efforts on one platform that consistently generates income for me each month.

While I do intend to explore Facebook for traffic later this year, right now, Pinterest remains my primary focus.

As a full-time student juggling a part-time job to cover my expenses, spreading myself too thin would negatively impact my business. Therefore, focusing on one effective strategy at a time is crucial for me.

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Final Words

I’ll keep focusing on these Pinterest strategies and exploring other avenues like Facebook and Reddit to boost my traffic.

I’ve learned that relying solely on Google for traffic isn’t reliable, so diversification is essential as I work toward my goal of reaching a six-figure yearly income by 2025. Wish me luck!

Now, how’s your blogging journey going? Do you share your blog income reports? If you’re not blogging yet, are you considering starting your own blog today?

Cheers! Looking forward to sharing more in the next income report!

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