Hacks Every Netflix Pro Binger Needs to Know

8 Hacks Every Netflix Pro Binger Needs to Know!

Netflix is one of the most famous Video streaming platforms that has changed the definition of enjoying movies or your favourite series. It was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph as a DVD-by-mail-service. It had made life of million more convenient and give us a phrase “Netflix and Chill”.

Netflix offers a vast library of content that contains a variety of genres and format as per their consumers taste and preferences. It also invest a large chunk of money on programming and expanded it’s reach globally with a total net worth of $146+ Billion.

In 2023, Netflix have more than 232.5 million people are using Netflix but are they really getting all the benefits? I know there are thousands of tips and tricks available on the internet to make your Netflix experience awesome but here are 8 cherry picket hacks that every Netflix pro binger need to know.

1. Watch Earlier For Better Quality

Watching your favourite series or movie in better quality have its own happiness but you need to understand which time frame will be suitable to watch. There are always some peak hours where a huge number of people are using Netflix that will eventually damage the quality of your video.

The reason for bad quality is the number of users signing at a single frame. For example, if you are living in US, Canada, and Australia, you know that the night start almost at the same time and this is when people start watching Netflix.

2. Rate What You Like

Rating what you are loving the most is a way to personalize your search result which will offer your movies or web series that you love to watch. The more you rate, the more accurate these recommendations become, and the mroe like you will discover new movies or dramas.

This rating process will help the Netflix’s algorithm to provide you content based on your viewing history by taking your rating into consideration. Along with that, rating moving on Netflix will make you feel more connect with the Netflix’s community.

3. Change Subtitle To Understand Better

Watching Netflix will be fun only if you understand the content you are watching. I know there are multiple new dramas are available on language such as Korean, Hindi, Turkish, Spanish and many more.

Changing subtitles will help you in understand the scene and plot of these dramas which will make it more fun and enjoyable. In case you are learning a specific language, changing subtitle will help you in practicing and increase your learning speed.

This change in language will also expose you to different food, culture and increase your understand on how people from different region live and work.

4. Make Profiles

A Netflix account allows you to create multiple profile within one account that allows multiple users to personalize their account as per their taste and preferences. Each profile have their own set of recommendations such as movies, drams as well as the genre. This means that another user’s taste and preference will not affect the search history or recommendation of other user.

Netflix do offer parental control, where you as a parent can alter the type of content it will be showing by putting age restriction. This will stop showing content which are not suitable for kids.

Overall, this separate profile for each users will give more privacy and prevent others from sneaking into your account to watch what you have doing and vice versa.

5. Find Top Movies

After watching movies for few hours, you may think “What to watch next?”. To find the top movies, you can browse to “Top Movies” on your Netflix home page search bar which will offer you top movies in your country or region.

You can also follow these simple steps to find top movies on Netflix.

  • Go to the Netflix website or the Netflix app on your device.
  • The “Search” icon is located at the top of the screen.
  • Enter the search term “Top Movies” or “Best Movies” into the search box.
  • Netflix will display a list of the top movies that are currently accessible on the platform. You can scroll through the list and click on a film to view more details.

By looking for top movies you can broaden your horizon through better content, script, and the quality of the video. It will also expose you to new genres, generation, styles, and perspective that you were ignoring for a long period of time.

Top rated movies will make you feel inclusive with the current generation and provide you an opportunity to connect more with your kids, parents, friends, family, and colleagues to discuss, debate and criticize the movies.

6. Watch Guilt – Free

Watching Netflix and keeping track of the times is pretty hard and you must have seen a lot of meme on the Internet where people are watching Netflix for the whole night. This usually create a sense of guilt because you may have missed some important take from your office or a college assignment.

In order to watch Netflix guilt free, you can start with setting a time limit for your Netflix watching. For example, you can make a schedule that you will be watching one-two episode after completing your work.

One more tip that can try is to make a to-do-list. Make a list of last that you have to complete today and then treat yourself with three episodes of your favourite drama. This works best for me as I complete all my task first and then “Netflix and Chill”.

7. Turn Off – Auto Play

Turning off auto play saves time by reducing binge watching while also preserving battery life. We are all aware of how difficult it is to put our favourite show down, which leads to autoplay works as an encouragement tool by straight away starting the next episode.

Turning it off will eventually stop the loop of mindless viewing, though, and assist us in regaining control over our viewing preferences. Additionally, Auto play can shorten the battery life of your device or cause a faster battery drain, especially if you use a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

To Turn Off Autoplay, you can simply follow these rules.

  • Sign in to your account.
  • Click the profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Choose “Account” in the drop-down option.
  • Click on your profile under “Profile & Parental Controls” by scrolling down.
  • Uncheck the box next to “Auto Play the next episode in a series on all devices” under “Playback Settings.”
  • To confirm your changes, click “Save.”

8. Find out what the critics think

Finding out what the critics think will give you an additional edge in your movies, drama, or web series selection. You can go to Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB or Metacritic to look what the professional think about the movies and what is the average score they have given to these movies.

This will provide you quality assurance, insightful analysis, avoid disappointment, waste of your time, money and give you an opportunity to start conversation.

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