How To Earn Money As A 13 Year Old Teen?

How To Earn Money As A 13 Year Old Teen?

In case your pocket money isn’t enough,  or want to be independent at a young age, you are at the right place. I must say, this is probably the best time in your life to learn how to earn and manage your budget. Once you get a taste of making money, there is no looking back. I wish I had this realization back in my 20s. But, you don’t have to be the same. 

Being a teenager, you may not be able to ask much or you don’t want to ask your parents for money at all. Yet there are expenses you wish to bear, like entertainment, trendy clothing, and taking your girl out for a date. You may also want to move out and take responsibility on your own. 

Speaking of 2022, there are a bunch of ways to make money as a teenager. Nowadays the opportunities are more flexible too. All you need is a bit of dedication and a detailed guide. Before digging right into the ways, let me tell you why a teen like you should start earning money. 

5 Benfits Of making money As A Teen

Let me give 5 good reasons why you must start making money online in your teenage. Keep scrolling…

Financial Independence

Generally, teens depend on their parents for the maximum of their expenses. Working will give you a chance to generate extra income and manage your own money. This will make you feel more independent and provide financial security.

However, you also need to understand the importance of saving a part of your earnings (for college or your favourite gadgets) instead of spending it all or making a small emergency fund.


Working at a young age will make you feel more responsible. A job will teach you how to handle multiple responsibilities. For example, schoolwork and social commitments in addition to working hours. When you have a job, you learn time management skills. This will benefit you later on in life when you will have even more responsibilities to bear.

In case you are not a person who loves to work outside then you can also look for work from home job with a good pay cheque.

Learning the Value of Money

As a young lad, you often don’t grasp the value of money. It is difficult for some of us to appreciate how hard parents work to fulfill all our needs. When you get a paycheck, you realize that all the money is not entirely yours. There are taxes deductions to be paid to the government.

Saving Money 

If you learn how to save money now, you’ll be pretty sorted when you become an adult. Saving money at a young age will help you to take smart decisions when it comes to spending and saving later in your life.

Learn how to negotiate and work with people

Negotiating is a vital part of making sales or providing services. When you sell products online or at a local flea market, you have to learn how to convince your customers that they’re getting a good deal. A the same time, you have to earn profits.

7 Easy Ways To Earn Money As A Teenager  


One of the easiest ways to make money is to do freelance work. Freelancing in simpler terms is you working independently for a client rather than being associated with one company. Due to the pandemic, freelancing and home gigs got a much-needed acceleration. Freelancing is appreciated for the amount of flexibility and ease it offers.

Be it copywriting, translation, graphic designing, video editing, app development, or marketing, there are a ton of sites that offer teens the opportunity to get paid for their skills. Some popular ones are Upwork, and Fiverr.

Start A YouTube Channel 

It’s an open secret that YouTube rules the world of video content. Considering the best way to earn money online, YouTube has become a brilliant opportunity for teenagers to earn pretty big. 

Kickstart your own youtube journey today. You can create content on topics you are good at for the audience. It can be on science, health, fitness, or anything else you’re interested in. Through your channel, you can eventually make money from ad revenues or you can also earn from Affiliate Marketing.


Tutoring can be a convenient way to earn money too. You can look out for kids around your neighborhood who need help with their homework or a subject. I’m pretty sure you will find them with ease. 

Furthermore, some websites require online tutors. You may start with something as basic as providing language lessons. You can utilize your skills by providing classes for science, maths or other subjects as well. This will not only help you to make money but also keep your fundamentals on point.

Affiliate Marketing

While the term affiliate marketing might sound like a lot of work but it isn’t. Of course, you need to some efforts initially to set up everything needed. Once done, it is easy money. You just need to choose the right set of products. There are so many examples of affiliate marketers turning a millionaire in just a year. 

Affiliate marketing involves the technique of driving sales and generating revenue out of the products you sell online. You earn a commission for each product you sell. All you need to have is a basic knowledge of social media branding and digital marketing. Its demand has undoubtedly increased in the last two years like there’s no tomorrow.  


For starters, filling up online surveys usually doesn’t require any skill or experience. This is a good option for teenagers like you to consider. By far it is one of the easiest ways to earn money online, period! 

There are some sites like Swagbucks and MyPoints which are open to teens as young as 13. You are paid for filling out surveys and watching videos. All you have to do is register on their website and you will receive surveys via email. Once you fill those out and submit them, you will earn points that can be redeemed as cash. Cool, isn’t it?

Data Entry

A data entry job can help you earn a lot. You can do this from the comfort of your couch and comes with flexible timing. The only requirement here is the good typing speed. Also, a decent PC and you’re all set! 

With almost zero investment you can easily earn money from a data entry job. There are quite a lot of websites that hire teenagers to categorize data for them. Since it is a mundane task, companies tend to hire temporary people to do data entry work. As a result, this is quite popular among teenagers.


If you have very good oratory skills or love telling stories then you can monetize your talent. For starters, a podcast is a series of digital audio your user can download and listen to.

With more than 200 million monthly active users and 40  podcast companies, there has been a steady rise in users. This has been further triggered by the Covid lockdowns when people were catching up with audiobooks. 

To begin with, start recording on your mobile phones. Look out for a platform where you can post and publish your podcasts such as Spotify, Anchor, and Google podcasts. You can earn through sponsors, advertisements, subscriptions, selling products, courses, and even merchandise. 

Note that When you have around 500 downloads at first, and then you can start earning. Generally, advertisers and sponsors look for a bigger audience of over 5000 monthly listeners.

Also Read: How To Start A Podcast For Free With My Phone?

What Can You Do With The Money You Make As A Teenager?

Besides spending on tees, sneakers, and gaming consoles, here are a few better things that you can do with your hard-earned cash:

Set Up an Emergency Fund

It is extremely crucial to manage an emergency fund that will give you peace of mind when emergencies arise. You have to understand that an emergency situation is not when you found a pair of jeans you love. It is a serious situation that can create a monetary crisis. Having no emergency fund can land you in debt. Save some for situations like these.

Help your parents out

You can financially help your parents with the money which you have made. It is sure to relieve them from the burden they carry on their shoulders.

Save for something you badly want 

It could be the latest pair of Jordans or the brand-new ps5 that you always wanted to own. Yes, you can save for that. It’s so rewarding to have money, build the discipline to save for it, and then purchase it all by yourself. Pat yourself to the back!

Wrap Up

Being a teenager can be tough at times but it is also so much fun. Learning and experiencing the importance of financial security before your 20s can help you to be future-proof. The ways I’ve mentioned above are by far the best for a real-world experience of how to earn money. 

With that said, do keep in mind that it will not be easy in the beginning. However, it will certainly pay off in the long run. There are countless benefits of earning while you are a teen. This is sure to build your confidence. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead, and give it a fair shot!

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