Summer Money Making Ideas For College Students In Canada

9 Summer Money Making Ideas For College Students In Canada

It’s summer now but for college student’s, it’s a little difficult time. I know it’s hard to believe but getting a nice decent job is pretty hard during Summer Breaks and without money life is boring.

I can relate to this situation as I am a student in Canada. During my summer break, I was trying hard to get a job but to no benefit as everyone have more employee so they prefer paying minimum wage.

So, what can be done as sitting without work can be stressful and challenging. Not sure about you but studying as an International student, I have to get a Job to pay my basic expenses.

Let’s dive into 9 different ways to make money as a College Student.

1. Freelance Expertise

Freelancing offers a flexible way to earn money by utilizing skills such as writing, graphic design, or tutoring. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr allow students to set their rates and choose projects based on their expertise.

Depending on commitment and demand, earnings can range from $15 to $50 per hour or more, translating to a significant sum over the summer.

For instance, As a college student specializing in search engine optimization, I earned around $800 to $1000 per month freelancing during the summer, working around 15-20 hours per week.

2. Seasonal Employment

Working at local attractions or resorts during the summer can provide substantial earnings. Positions in customer service or event coordination can offer hourly wages ranging from $15 to $25, potentially earning $2000 to $4000 over a three-month period, depending on hours worked and position responsibilities.

For example, Last summer, I worked at a Sunglass store and earned approximately $1,980 by working 25-30 hours per week at $17 per hour. You can earn higher if you are good at sales.

3. Pet Care Services

Pet sitting or dog walking via platforms like Rover can be both enjoyable and lucrative. Depending on the services offered and hours committed, earnings can range from $15 to $30 per hour, potentially totalling $1000 to $3000 over the summer.

For example, if you are regularly walking your dogs then earning $600 to $800 is possible. Based on the marketing standard in Canada, you will make CAD 20 per hour whereas if you are living in the United States then you can potentially make USD 20 per hour.

But keep in mind that the pay may go higher depending on the area you are offering your service. Some posh areas offer much higher rates compared to local neighbourhoods.

4. Delivery Platforms

Working for food delivery apps or local courier services can offer a flexible schedule and decent earnings. Delivery drivers can earn $15 to $25 per hour or more, potentially amounting to $2000 to $4000 over the summer, depending on hours worked and tips received.

My friend worked part-time as a food delivery driver and made around $20 per hour, earning approximately $3000 during the summer by working 20-25 hours per week. But on certain days such as festivals, areas and timings, your income can be more than $30 per hour.

You must read my article on “Doordash tips for Top Earners“, if you want to make ever high rate per hour.

5. Event Staffing

Participating in event staffing during summer festivals or conferences can provide an exciting experience and additional income. Depending on the role and hours worked, earnings may range from $15 to $30 per hour, potentially adding up to $1500 to $3000 over the summer.

Last year in 2022, I worked as an event assistant for a festival and earned around $25 per hour, totalling about $1200 over the two-week event. But the only problem is you will not be getting extra work after December and January because of the market shift.

6. Asset Rental

Renting out belongings during summer downtime is a savvy move.

Whether it’s a bike, gaming console, or musical instrument, unused items can translate into extra cash.

Last summer, a friend earned over $800 renting out his bike occasionally, while I made around $200 with an old gaming console. It’s flexible and easy—your stuff works for you while you’re out having fun.

List items online, set your price, and watch the money roll in. It’s a win-win: your belongings get some action, and you pocket some serious cash to fuel your summer adventures!

7. Start A Small Business

Start A Small Business

Starting a small business or offering services during summer break is a smart hustle. Whether it’s selling crafts, gardening, or launching an online store, the potential for earnings is wide-ranging.

For example, a friend who sold homemade crafts made around $1500 in a few months, while another friend offering gardening services earned over $2000.

It’s all about leveraging your skills or hobbies. With dedicated time and effort, it’s possible to earn anywhere from $1000 to $5000 or more over the summer. It’s turning passion into profit—a rewarding and potentially lucrative way to maximize your break!

8. Baby Sitting

Baby Sit your siblings or your cousins at home is an awesome way to make some extra money. You can advertise your service at your school or in your neighbourhood to get clients.

You can come to an agreement that you will be taking care of their baby every Saturday which can make you weekly income. With time you can charge more as per your experience. There are multiple sites that offer Babysitting jobs which can help.

As per the latest report by Talent in 2022, the average income made by teens through babysitting is $12.50 per hour which can go up to 24,000 annually. Here, younger teens are paid a little less while older teens get paid a little higher.

Also Read: Is Babysitting A Good Way To Earn Money In 2023

9. Online Influencer

In this digital era of the latest technologies, who doesn’t want to make money while sitting at home?

You can start your own YouTube channel to make vlogs about your daily life or even start a blog to write about your favourite topic. There are several ways to make money from blogging or even youtube.

This will help you build an online presence and with time you will start getting sponsorships and brand deals with a fat cheque depending on the popularity.

A YouTuber or a Vlogger makes as low as $300 which can go as high as $4000 per month. And with sponsorships, you can easily make $300-$1000 per brand.

Final Words

Finding full-time summer work as a college student can be tough due to limited opportunities. However, success in these seven money-making ideas relies on your dedication.

Specializing in a skill or niche market can significantly boost your earnings. Just like a specialized service commands higher rates, your focused efforts during the summer break can amplify your earning potential.

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