12 Morning Habits That Boost Productivity Before 8 AM!

Here’s my personal take on the blog post “12 Things I Do Before 8 am for a Productive Day” with a more conversational tone and simpler English:

12 Things I Do Before 8 am for a Productive Day

What should you do before 8 am? Well, let me share my calm and relaxed morning routine that sets me up for a stress-free, productive day.

We all know that how you start your morning affects the rest of your day. A good morning routine that focuses on self-care, well-being, and getting things done can really change your life.

Routines become habits, and habits shape who we are. And trust me, when you have a solid list of things to do before 8 am, your day gets better.

Now, I get it—waking up early sounds impossible for some. I used to feel the same way. I was a night owl who stayed up late, working, and I’d wake up at 10 am with a headache. But I knew I needed to change things, especially for my health.

Over time, I slowly learned to love mornings. Now, I have a routine that makes me feel great and helps me stay on track. And honestly, it has made a huge difference in my life. No more waking up feeling groggy!

So, if you’re like me and want to turn your mornings around, I’ve got you covered. Here’s my exact morning routine before 8 am that helps me stay organized, calm, and ready for the day ahead.

1. Wake Up Early

I start my day at 5 or 5:30 am. My morning routine isn’t complicated, so I can easily adjust my time if needed. The key? I don’t use an alarm—I turn my phone off before bed.

For me, waking up naturally works better. But if you need an alarm, go for it. Everyone’s different. The important thing is figuring out what works for you.

2. Relax for 10 Minutes

After waking up, I take 10 minutes to just sit, breathe, and relax. This helps me avoid feeling rushed or anxious about the day ahead. Sometimes I add in some positive affirmations to start the day on a good note.

3. Get Out of Bed and Make My Bed

Once my 10 minutes are up, I get out of bed right away and make my bed. It’s a small win that helps me feel like I’ve already accomplished something for the day.

4. Brush My Teeth and Freshen Up

Next, I brush my teeth and do a quick skincare routine. This simple step wakes me up and tells my body it’s time to start the day.

5. Drink Water

After freshening up, I drink a glass of water—sometimes with lemon if I have it. Staying hydrated first thing in the morning really helps me feel awake and focused.

6. Journal My Thoughts

I spend about 10-15 minutes writing in my journal. This helps me clear my mind, set intentions for the day, and keep track of my thoughts and goals. If you’re not into journaling yet, give it a try—you might love it!

7. Move My Body

I don’t do heavy workouts in the morning because they leave me feeling drained. Instead, I do some light stretches or take a short walk around the house to get my blood flowing.

8. Shower and Skincare

After stretching, I take a quick shower and enjoy some “me” time. My skincare routine is something I look forward to, and it makes me feel refreshed and ready for the day.

9. Read

I set aside 30 minutes for reading every morning. Right now, I’m slowly working through Atomic Habits, which is packed with tips on how to build good habits. Reading in the morning is one of my favorite ways to feed my mind.

10. Pray

At 7 am, I join a group prayer session. It lasts about 30 minutes, and it’s a powerful way to connect with my faith and start the day with purpose.

11. Write

I’ve been trying to build a daily writing habit, so I write for about 30 minutes to an hour. It helps me stay creative and productive throughout the day.

12. Focus on My Most Important Task

After writing, I check my emails, respond to any urgent messages, and get started on my most important task for the day. This helps me stay focused and productive.

Final Thoughts

This is my morning routine, and it’s what works best for me. It’s all about self-care and finding a routine that helps you start the day feeling calm and in control.

There’s no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to morning routines. So find what works for you, whether it’s journaling, stretching, or just enjoying a cup of coffee alone. It’s all about starting your day in a way that makes you feel good!

What’s one thing you must do before 8 am to have a productive day? Let me know

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