15 Best Traveling Jobs To Make Money

15 Best Traveling Jobs To Make Money In 2023

Are you a travel fanatic and dream of travelling the world all through your life? Naturally, you can’t always stay on vacation. At the end of the day, you need to follow your daily work routine to save for your next holiday.

But what if I tell you about some amazing professions that will allow you to do both? Yes, you can work and travel at the same time.

Here in this article, I will walk you through a list of the most lucrative and future-friendly traveling jobs. You can make a decent living and save money while also enjoying your hobby if you are a travel addict. So take a look at all the traveling professions you can take up in the future.

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Digital Nomad or Backpacker?

There are loads of options when it comes to discussing travelling jobs. Digital nomad jobs are those where you have the freedom of working while traveling. Jobs that you can pursue online from anywhere in the world usually come under this category.

These include dropshippers, freelance writers, freelance website designers, etc. Backpacker jobs don’t pay much and are not very reputable either. These include working as bartenders, surfing instructors, etc.

The highlight is that you don’t need a professional qualification to apply for such jobs. So depending on your interest, you can go for either of the two categories.

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How To Travel and Work?

I can give you many simple but immensely helpful tips so that you can work while traveling. If your organization sends you to places for work then nothing like it. Otherwise, you can take up seasonal work to maintain a balance between working and enjoying vacations.

Freelance jobs allow you to work according to your schedules from anywhere. Freelance website designers, writers, and graphic designers are just some of the most common professions in this approach. Just ensure that you have your laptop and a stable Internet connection and you are good to go!

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15 Best Travelling Jobs To Make Money

In a digital world, many professions allow you the joy of traveling while making money for a living. Below I present to you some of the most sought-after traveling jobs.

1. Senior auditor

Auditors have great scope for traveling while working since they need to visit the office premises of every client they audit for. Auditors study the financial records of an enterprise for any potential errors.

They ensure that the business follows all the standards of compliance. Since clients are scattered all over the country, they need to travel frequently. Auditors have immensely high salaries which makes it a lucrative profession. 

2. Architect

Love envisioning construction sites and designing buildings? Architecture can be an ideal profession for you. An architect has the license to look after the construction of buildings. He plans and sketches the entire layout of a new construction site.

He implements various technologies to create a blueprint of the project for his client. Architects need to regularly see the progress of the construction and suggest changes in the layout, site visits are essential. 

3. Event planner

Event Planning has great demand in a world which loves fancy ideas for celebrating occasions. Destination weddings have become a popular thing now. And wedding planners charge their clients for their flight fares to travel to the event location.

The overall job of an event planner and coordinator is to select vendors and compare venues. He prepares for the event on behalf of the client. So event planning as a profession involves a lot of traveling. 

4. Freelance writer

Writing blogs, stories, and articles can make you a lot of money. Writing as a profession is flourishing since every organization wants to connect with its audience. You can also publish your ebook, and start your blog.

You can visit places around the world and write about their highlights in your blog. Freelancing gives you great flexibility as you can work at your pace and make a decent living out of it.

5. Flight attendant

Cabin crew is another sought-after profession that gives you great travel exposure. Flight attendants learn to handle any in-flight emergencies and take proper training before they start flying.

They are responsible for the comfort of the passengers and ensure they have a good flying experience. They get to travel the world during their career. If you are an international flight attendant, then you have even more opportunities to travel abroad.

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6. Airline pilot

As the name suggests, an airline pilot is responsible for flying planes. You need to take proper training to become a pilot and also meet some necessary criteria for the profession. Pilots carry goods and passengers to different places around the world on flights.

First-officer pilots are the second most important while flying a plane. This profession also involves traveling to a great extent since you are responsible for checking the air traffic all through the flight duration. 

7. Blogger

Blogging is one of the best professions at a time when social media influences people. Many individuals are seriously taking it up to make a living. You can start a blog and regularly post your content there. Otherwise, social media blogging is also a good idea.

Fashion, lifestyle, and travel are popular blogging genres. You can travel the world and describe those places for your readers. Discovering local shopping stores and telling your audience about their highlights is a part of fashion blogging. 

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8. Photographer

Photography is a lucrative traveling job as you need to go to the site physically to capture the moment. Event photographers have to go to the event location to cover it. The demand for wedding photographers has increased with the craze of destination weddings.

You can become a wildlife photographer and travel to naturally scenic places to get good clicks. Fashion photography is also a great genre in this profession.

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9. Management consultant

You can apply for a job at reputed consulting agencies and become a management or business consultant. Companies all over the world need someone to guide them to run their organization smoothly.

You can start your consulting agency or work as an individual consultant. Your clients can be anywhere around the nation or even abroad. So you have to commute to the office location of your client.

10. Sales director

The sales director is a superior position in every organization which requires you to review the monthly sales figures and set sales goals. You have to connect with the marketing team to target better sales for the following quarters.

This needs a lot of advertising and promotions. You will have to create a sales team and suggest strategies to get higher figures. In-person meetings with your clients will open good opportunities for traveling.

11. Cruise ship worker

Working on a cruise ship can fetch you loads of travel opportunities. Wherever the cruise goes, you get to explore the location. You can work as an in-house bartender, waiter, cleaner, or musician.

You can take training to become a lifeguard on board to help passengers in need. Cruise ship workers are also responsible for the smooth functioning of the ship and preparing the ship before it starts the journey.

12. Travel nurse

You can easily apply for a nursing program in a reputed organization and get enough credentials in your portfolio. You will have to travel to places where there is high demand for nurses.

As the name suggests, you are placed temporarily and need to shift to another hospital as and when required. The best part is that you won’t have to bear your living expenses (housing, travel, etc.).

13. International journalist

Working as an international journalist has a lot to do with travelling around the globe since events can take place anywhere. Whenever you have to cover an event and write a report for it, you will have to physically go to the location.

You will get to travel around the country and even abroad. The job criteria involve a bachelor’s degree in journalism or public relations. If you have a master’s degree too, then it’s even better.

14. Engineer

With companies encouraging the work-from-home approach, the need to develop strong technologies is high in demand. Tools that help businesses to stay connected with their team are the need of the hour. And there is no better profession than engineering for this.

You can take up an engineering degree and design tools that help the world get closer digitally. You can travel at your convenience and work side by side. Site visits also require traveling in case you have to oversee the working of some machines. 

15. Au pair

Nuclear families often have working parents who don’t want to leave their children alone at home. Even if they can stay with their kid, they want to hire a trained babysitter to look after the kids all day. People often wish to hire an au pair from abroad if they want their kid to learn a foreign language. If you are good at being with kids, this is a great profession indeed.

How To Be A Professional Traveler?

A professional traveller is a travel expert who makes money while being well-versed in the tips for travelling. I can give you some simple tips to become one. You can pursue jobs like travel blogging, photography, or writing. You can teach English overseas or even become an influencer.

Working as a tourist guide will also make you a professional traveler. A helpful tip that you must not miss is to get decent travel insurance before you decide on any of these professions.

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How Do I Start A Career In Traveling?

Putting a head start on your travel career is not a big deal. You should take up slow but impactful measures for the same. For instance, get in touch with your local travel agencies to refer you as a tourist guide. Look out for organizations that hire English tutors to teach overseas.

If you wish to become a travel writer or blogger, create your website and start attracting an audience to it. If working on a cruise ship excites you, search for the organizations that give such training and the criteria you need to meet.

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Can I get paid for Traveling?

The ways of the world are modernizing and you can indeed make money just by exploring the globe. There are some popular jobs to earn a great living by traveling. If you have decent video-making equipment, you can apply to agencies that need video creators.

Yes. You can travel the world and create the kind of videos your clients want. You can go for freelancing with some companies that need people to do their seasonal advertising, for example.

Travel influencers are high in demand because of their huge fan following. You can go for brand partnerships with famous brands and do a shout-out for them.

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Which Job is Best For Girls For Traveling?

There are plenty of career options for girls who love to travel too. You can become a flight attendant and travel the world throughout your career. Blogging and influencing are other great options you can explore.

You can travel to non-English speaking countries as an ESL teacher and teach English. All you need is fluent English skills and you are good to go.  Photography and travel presenting are also lucrative if you love to travel.

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Can I start my traveling career in my 40s?

It is never too late, my friend, and you always have time to explore what you love. It is completely fine if you have worked at a 9-to-5 job all through your life but are now planning to take a new turn.

Yes. Travel photography, blogging, and writing are some easy options for the start.  So instead of bothering about societal standards, buck up and start your travelling career even if you are in your 40s.

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Final Words

The world is evolving and perspectives are changing gradually. Nowadays, you have enough scope to take up your hobby as a serious work-from-home job instead of forcefully applying for a nine-to-five job. So why not explore what you are missing out on? Do your research, identify your area of interest and kickstart your travel-friendly profession.

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