10 Ways to Make Passive Money In 2023

Are you a college student having a problem with your saving goals, a stay-at-home mom looking for ways to make extra money, or a 9-to-5 professional looking for ways to make extra money in your spare time?

If you have a smartphone and an internet connection, as well as knowledge about how to make Passive Money online in 2022, you can start earning right away.

However, due to a lack of knowledge and understanding, nearly 50% of people limit their online income. If you want to increase your income and achieve financial independence this year, you can’t afford to miss this out!  

So, wondering “what I need to get started”, be prepared to invest time and, in some cases, money. Consider working online full-time and earning a full-time salary. Isn’t that amazing?

What is Passive Money?

Passive Income is a great way to earn extra money while sleeping and there are more than a hundred passive income ideas. But the concept of passive income is highly misunderstood. Why?

Passive Income requires upfront hard work and investment to achieve a financial security goal in the future. As it will grow over time and does not require a consistent investment of time and hard work.

Here are 10 ways to make Passive Money in 2022

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant person, you’ll help organizations by accomplishing what they need using the web resources they utilize. In many situations, these are duties and applications that you are already familiar with.

Administrative assistant responsibilities are generally handled by virtual assistants. The function, however, might vary based on the client or firm. It can take on the role of an executive assistant or project manager at times.

Some virtual assistants are employed for a specific talent, such as digital marketing, while others are required to do multiple responsibilities.

Where to find virtual assistant jobs

You can take the initiative and use money-making applications like Upwork and Fiverr to promote your skills as a freelance virtual assistant. You’ll normally build a profile, set your optimum rate, and send a proposal to potential clients using these platforms.

Required Tools: Internet access and a computer

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert 

Requirements: Decent Profile with your specialization

Time: 3 – 6 Months to make it Full-Time

Social Media Management

Many small companies in your region require assistance with social media and paid promotion.

You may get paid to help these companies get with the times if you know your way around social media – from Facebook to Instagram, YouTube to LinkedIn.

While most freelance social media managers monitor their customers’ social media accounts, other tasks are more focused. The following is a list of services that freelance social media managers frequently provide:

  • Calendars for content creation and management
  • Social media marketing approach
  • Generation of content (photography, design)
  • Copywriting
  • Posting Schedules and Publications
  • Management of the community (engaging with followers, answering DMs and comments)
  • Reporting and Analytics

Naturally, not all social media managers are self-employed. In-house social media teams are becoming more common. 

Required Tools: Internet access and a computer

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert 

Requirements: Understanding of Social Media and Marketing.

Time: 3 Months

Get paid when shopping online

The cashback software keeps track of your purchases and pays you after the transaction is complete. All earned cashback is normally deposited into an account as a percentage of your spending.

When you shop online or in-store, you can get cashback. They make it simple, quick, and secure to make money.

Required Tools: Internet access and a computer/Mobile

Level of Expertise: Beginner, intermediate, expert 

Requirements: Understand how and when you will receive your cashback.

Time: 1 Month

Be a proofreader

A proofreader checks a piece of writing one last time for any leftover grammatical and punctuation faults, spelling errors, or formatting flaws. Following content and copy editing, they ensure that news stories, essays, books, website copy, and other types of writing are error-free and suitable for publishing.

Where to find virtual assistant jobs

Required Tools: Internet access and a computer

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: Understand how to design an appealing profile in order to attract clients for your Niche.

Time: 3 – 6months *


If you’re a talented photographer, you might be able to sell your work online. A few websites are continually on the lookout for contributors, who get paid a royalty each time their photo is purchased. This could be a terrific opportunity to make some additional money with your work.

Where to find virtual assistant jobs

Some of the best websites for selling images of yourself include: Scoopshot, Stylinity, Pay Your Selfie SmugMug. 

Required Tools: Internet access and a computer, Digital camera & Editing Software

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: A good quality pictures required

Time: 3 – 6 Months


To create a strong, dedicated audience, your YouTube channel should focus on a specific niche. You could, for example, make cosmetic lessons, broadcast video games, review items, teach skills, make spoof films, or anything else you believe will appeal to a large audience.

You can start a YouTube channel and monetize your YouTube channel through a range of methods. Earn Money From Ads by Becoming a Partner Sell articles or Work as an Affiliate Marketer or Influencer with Your Channel’s Content

The two sorts of YouTube channels with the most followers are: 

Educational content –  If you have information or valuable skills that others may find useful

Entertaining Content – Pranks, reviews, humour videos, gaming walkthroughs, and much more are examples of entertaining material. 

Expertise levels: Intermediate, Expert 

Requirements: YouTube channel with a large number of followers/subscribers 

Time: It can take at least a year to turn a profit. 

Tools: Hands-on editing like a shot,  iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.


Bloggers can sell both digital and physical goods on their blogs. You can also use a blog to develop a personal brand that will help you get forms of interaction, media deals, or large client contracts.

You can monetize your blog by strategically putting advertisements in your entries. Sponsored posts are a common way for review bloggers to generate extra income online from specific sponsors.

There are huge benefits to writing online. There is no initial investment, and there are no start-up costs. You may expect to be paid soon, and there are plenty of writing opportunities available.

You could end yourself producing reviews, tutorials, how-to pieces, or lists about anything from travel and web design to parenting, health, and wellness.

This is only a small sample of the websites that pay you to write Textbroker, iWriter, Writer Access, Upwork, Problogger Freelancer.com, Fiverr, and WordAgents. 

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: Good English language skills, knowledge of grammar and punctuation.

Instant Tools : Writing software such as Google Docs or Microsoft Office, grammar checking tool

Time: 3 – 6months *

Video Editor for YouTube channels

Many small businesses produce low-quality YouTube/social media videos, or it takes a long time – even with automatic editing tools. The concept behind this money-making concept is to operate as a regular video editor who offers to turn raw iPhone footage into a short, professional video.

The only thing the business owners would have to do is record the raw film. Everything else is up to the editor to make it look nice and run quickly.

Level of Expertise: Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: Computer with relevant Editing Software 

Instant Tools: Hands-on editing- iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

Time: Immediate

Social Media Influencer

It is feasible to generate money on Instagram or TikTok, but you must have a large enough following. There are businesses that are prepared to pay Instagrammers. It could be for displaying a product or creating a post.

The amount you’ll get paid for a post is determined by how engaged your followers are and how many there are. Only for one position, remuneration ranges from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. It will take time, effort, and dedication to be able to charge a few thousand dollars for a post.

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: Understanding of posting on Instagram.

Instant Tools: Smartphone or Good camera

Time: 12 months or more to gain a good following, longer to make a profit 

Website Design

Website design is an excellent technique to earn money online. You can make it by creating a website, and the greatest thing is that you don’t have to go anywhere or invest any money to get started. Designers and developers have made millions of dollars by selling templates and themes.

If you know PHP and WordPress, you can create WordPress themes and sell them on sites like ThemeForest.

Once you’ve established your design job, here are some terrific methods to earn money online using your expertise.

  • Sell Hosting To Clients
  • Build WordPress Websites
  • Sell Themes & Templates
  • Setup Shopify Stores
  • Learn & Provide SEO Services
  • Offer Maintenance Services

Level of Expertise: Beginner, Intermediate, Expert  

Requirements: Knowledge of building a Website

Instant Tools: Themes, Computer, SEO optional 

Time: 3 months or more to gain clients, once you get clients you can start earning 


Here I like to conclude the 10 Ways to Make Money Online in 2022. If you truly want to make money online, you must make the effort; you cannot expect to become wealthy by doing anything.

The only thing that makes you right in your mindset, is that you must understand. You must remain focused and work toward your goal.

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